Pittsburgh Drone Photography of the Chicago skyline during winter as taken from Northerly Island  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Winter in Chicago from Northerly Island

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of the Great Smoky Mountains in North Csrolina by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Cherokee Indian Reservation - Great Smoky Mountains

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of the Philadelphia Museum of Art  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of the Philadelphia skyline as taken from South Philadelphia  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

South Philadelphia  Blue

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of One PPG Place by Pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

One PPG Place

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Hyner Run in Susquehannok State Forrest by Pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Hyner Run 

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of a solar array in Clinton, PA by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Solar Array - Clinton, PA 

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of ice thawing on the Allegheny by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Ice Thaws on the Allegheny 

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of downtown Pittsburgh in the fall from Troy Hill  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Troy Hill View

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of the Kinzua Dam near Warren, PA  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Kinzua Dam

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of a rainbow over Downtown Pittsburgh by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Pittsburgh After The Storm

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Downtown Pittsburgh from above Allegheny Commons Park  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

North Side View

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Highlands High School Baseball Field  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

American Baseball

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Lake Elizabeth in Allegheny Commons Park in Pittsburgh's North Side by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Lake Elizabeth, Allegheny Commons Park - North Side Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of  the Philadelphia Skyline by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Downtown Philadelphia, PA

Pennsylvania Drone Photography of Pine Creek Gorge by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Pine Creek Gorge

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Pennsylvania fall by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Fall in Pennsylvania 

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of the Heinz Plant and Heinz Lofts by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.


Pittsburgh Drone Photography of the ohio river by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.
Barges on the Ohio
Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Bellevue by pittsburgh drone photographer Joe Serkoch.

Crystal Clear Bellevue

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of the sixteenth street bridge by pittsburgh drone photographer Joe Serkoch.

Sixteenth Street Bridge

Solstice Steps in Lakewood Park. Lakewood Ohio, Cleveland. Pittsburgh Drone Photography. Pittsburgh Drone Photographer

Solstice Steps - Lakewood Park, Lakewood OH

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of train tracks by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.
East / West
Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Point State park by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.
The Point Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Drone Photography of a baseball field by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.
Manchester Field
Pittsburgh Drone Photography by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Hill District at Dusk

Pittsburgh Drone Photography  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.
Cross Creek Lake
Pittsburgh Drone Photography  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.
Polish Hill
Pittsburgh Drone Photography  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.
Solo Boat On The Ohio
Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Point State park by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.
33rd Street Rail Bridge
Pittsburgh Drone Photography  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.
Play Ball
Pittsburgh Drone Photography  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.
Fort Duquesne Bridge
Pittsburgh Drone Photography  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.
Single Lane
Pittsburgh Drone Photography  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Slate Lick, PA

Pittsburgh Drone Photography  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Allegheny Islands

Pittsburgh Drone Photography  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

On the Allegheny  

Pittsburgh Drone Photography  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Carrie Blast Furnace

Pittsburgh Drone Photography  by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Duquesne Incline  

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of bridges by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

McKees Rocks Bridge

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of bridges by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Long Lapse Bridge  

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Western Penitentiary by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Western Penitentiary

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of the Cathedral of Learning by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

The Cathedral of Learning

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Allegheny Observatory by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Allegheny Observatory

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Heinz Chapel by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

Heinz Chapel 

Pittsburgh Drone Photography of Point State park by pittsburgh drone pilot Joe Serkoch.

The Point - A Long Exposure

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